About the Preservation Fund


The GHS Preservation Fund benefits the people and places in our community for generations to come.


Georgetown Heritage Society (GHS) establishes a fund dedicated to preservation of historic structures within the greater Georgetown area. The fund will be administered by the GHS Board to promote the importance of preserving historic structures, to operate a grant program to assist with the cost of preserving structures listed on the City of Georgetown's 2007 Historic Resource Survey, as amended, and to carry out other projects to preserve historic structures.


The Preservation Fund will be managed by the GHS Treasurer in accordance with GHS by-laws. Preservation Fund monies will be kept in a bank account separate from other GHS funds and accounted for separately on the books. Accounting procedures will be established such that records show funds as being encumbered when commitments are made in order that new commitments will be approved only from unencumbered funds.

Funds will be sought from multiple sources. Donations will be solicited from GHS members and members of the community specifically for the Preservation Fund. As resources permit, funds may be allocated from the general funds of GHS through the annual budget or by special action of the GHS Board as provided in the bylaws. GHS may apply for grants from other entities.


Preservation Fund Contribution Levels

  • CONSERVATOR $1,000-$2,499
  • DONOR UP TO $999

All contributions are welcome! All gifts to the Preservation Fund are 100% tax-deductible.